Salary increase according to collective agreements

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Dear Regla user

From 1. november new collective bargaining agreements came into force. View here.

There are two things that need to be considered in the system regarding the salary increase, ie. wages for wage earners need to be increased and wages need to be adjusted until November 1st. 

Hér eru leiðbeiningar hvernig skal hækka laun hjá öllum í ákveðnu stéttarfélagi: Help increase in salary

Salary adjustment from 1 November – Here you need to calculate the amount the employee will receive adjusted and then you can use salary item no. 115 in the next payroll run and the amount entered there. It is also possible to create a new salary item for this specific correction if it is more suitable (NOTE! It must be set up just like item no. 115).

Regla team
