Sales system

Simple and user-friendly interface for invoicing, good overview of inventory, purchasing system, dashboard, etc.

Increased automation

By connecting directly to Regla's accounting system, invoices are automatically entered into the accounting system. Automate repetitive tasks such as order processing, data entry and customer communication. By automating these tasks, you can save time, reduce errors and increase productivity. The time saved through automation allows your team to focus on what matters most, increasing sales and serving your customers.

Gott aðgengi og sjálfvirkni

Regla er skýjalausn sem er aðgengileg á netinu, hvar og hvenær sem er. Þú einfaldlega opnar vafrann og skráir þig inn á og byrjar að vinna.

Powerful dashboard

A simple and convenient overview of all the main figures in sales management Gain valuable insights into your sales performance, customer behavior and market trends. Sýndu sölugögnin þín með sérhönnuðum skýrslum og töflum til að bera kennsl á mynstur og tækifæri. With this feature, you can optimize your sales strategy, increase revenue and provide your customers with a more personalized shopping experience

Gott aðgengi og sjálfvirkni

Regla er skýjalausn sem er aðgengileg á netinu, hvar og hvenær sem er. Þú einfaldlega opnar vafrann og skráir þig inn á og byrjar að vinna.

Main functionality

Included in monthly fee for Regla

the following free of charge

  • Service all calls, emails & site visits

  • Courses we have live Zoom courses in finance, sales & payroll systems every 2 months

  • Hosting Regla is a modern cloud solution, one system for all

  • Users anyone can get access to a record to view and no need to share access

  • Turnover % we do not charge % of turnover

Want to simplify your accounting?

A simple and secure cloud solution. More automation and less work. Try FREE for 30 days