Salary items

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Salary items

All common salary items are shown here. Companies can, however, add salary items if needed. The salary items control the calculation of salary.




hmtoggle_folder1Types of items






hmtoggle_folder1Sequence of salary slip


hmtoggle_folder1In month


hmtoggle_folder1Calculated amount


hmtoggle_folder1Allow %


hmtoggle_folder1Number of units


hmtoggle_folder1Use for tax calculation


hmtoggle_folder1Calculated expense for this item


hmtoggle_folder1Calculated vacation


hmtoggle_folder1Set to zero after booking


hmtoggle_folder1Pension fund definition


hmtoggle_folder1Field number on salary tax slip


hmtoggle_folder1Accounting key debit/credit


hmtoggle_folder1Accounting record for each employee